7 Best Squarespace Templates for Therapists in 2024

If you’re looking to build a professional therapist website, there are many Squarespace templates for therapists that you can use.

Squarespace is a popular website builder that is known for its user-friendly interface and awesome templates. It is a great solution for therapists who want to create a professional website without having to hire a Squarespace web designer.

There are a lot of free Squarespace templates available, but some are better suited for therapists than others. By choosing the right template, you will be able to build your website quickly and make it beautifully designed.

In this article, I will share with you some of the best Squarespace templates for therapists. I will also give you tips to choose the right template and customize it to suit your brand. So let's get started.

Disclosure: Some links in this article are affiliate links. If you click through and pay for a product, we’ll be compensated at no cost to you of course.

Best Squarespace Templates for Therapists

As a therapist, Squarespace gives you many templates that you can choose from. Once you pick the one you like, you can easily customize its content and design to suit your brand.

As an expert Squarespace web designer myself, I have tested and tried many templates on the platform. So I have compiled the list below for you to find the best Squarespace template for therapists.

Here is our curated list of the best Squarespace templates for therapists:

1. Almar Template

best squarespace template for therapists

Almar is a beautifully designed Squarespace template for any therapist looking to have a website that looks good and professional at the same time. The homepage of the template comes with an awesome hero image with a good copy and a call to action button.

The Almar template has almost four pages: The homepage, an About page, a blog, and a contact page. It also allows your potential clients to create an account, pay for a subscription, and book a chat with you.

Keep in mind that the template is fully customizable. That means there are a lot of options that you can customize in terms of design, pages, styles, and more. In addition to that, Almar is mobile-friendly and optimized for SEO.

If you’re also curious about search engine optimization, you can check out my other article about the best Squarespace template for SEO.

2. Clove Template

squarespace templates for therapists

Based on my experience using the platform, I can say that Clove is the best Squarespace template for therapists. This template not only looks professional but also has a beautiful design that gets high conversion rates.

Clove template can be used for therapists, counselors, and health center advisors as well. It comes with a wide range of layouts and all the features necessary for marketing your therapy services.

It has a basic yet elegant services page with pricing and detailed information. The template also has an automated booking form. As a result, this makes arranging consultations easier.

Moreover, Clove also includes an integrated Google Maps functionality that makes it easy for potential clients to find you. This template saves you a lot of time when building your website because it’s automatically optimized for mobile devices.

3. Myhra Template

myhra squarespace template

Myhra is another Squarespace 7.1 template that you can start with. It has a clean and simple design that makes users easily navigate your website. This template is created for wellness coaches, but you can also use it as a therapist to build your website.

All Squarespace templates are flexible, customizable, and can be used for every purpose. So even if you decide to pick the Myhra template, you can still customize it and edit its content to fit your therapy business.

This template has a number of advantages. It provides pre-designed web pages for a variety of services, including 1:1 coaching, online courses, live events, and webinars. As a result, this simplifies the process of presenting your services.

It also has a user-friendly FAQ area for rapid information access and a specific recipe page designed for wellness consultants. In addition to that, the template comes with a pre-built membership page for community engagement.

4. Verano Template

squarespace therapist template

Verano is a premium Squarespace template that you can start with if you want a unique design that stands out. By using this template, you will be able to build a custom website that looks beautiful and unique.

So this template is designed and built by Big Cat Creative. They sell a lot of unique and awesome templates that are built for Squarespace. Once you buy Verano, you will be able to customize it and edit everything about it to reflect your brand.

For only $197, you get a Squarespace 7.1 template that looks clean and has an awesome design. Verano comes with beautiful call-to-action buttons and good use of images. I think this template is a good starting point if you want a clean and well-designed therapist website.

5. Meriden Template

meriden squarespace template

Meriden is one of the good Squarespace templates that you can use as a therapist to sell your services. It has a simple and minimalistic design that makes users focus on the content of your website and what you offer.

The template comes with a pre-designed page where people can book consultations with you. In addition to that, it has a page for selling your course and another page for people who want to work with you. An About page and a podcast page are also included.

Meriden template is automatically mobile-friendly and optimized for SEO just like all Squarespace templates. You can remove the pages that you don’t need and also add any new pages if you want. It’s a flexible template that is fully customizable.

6. Monday Template

best squarespace templates for therapists

Monday is another premium Squarespace template designed and created by Ghost Plugins. They sell so many templates and plugins for Squarespace. They even have a marketplace dedicated to that.

Monday is one of their Squarespace templates that grabbed my attention. It has a unique and custom design that makes you stand out from all therapists who use Squarespace. The template provides several valuable features and you can buy it for $229.

It includes 12 pre-designed pages for quick setup and more than 50 customizable page sections to give you flexibility. You'll find a user-friendly template installation guide, along with detailed info.

Plus, they give you a 20% discount on any paid Squarespace plan to keep costs down. You also get friendly customer support that is available to assist you every step of the way to easily add this template and use it for your website.

7. Randi Template

randi squarespace template

If you’re looking for a one-page simple template that is easy to set up and has basic features, Randi is the right one. The template has a landing page allowing your clients to book a consultation.

In addition to that, there is an option for people to call you if you want that. So it’s a pretty simple template with a call to action button and social media integration. I recommend starting with Randi if you’re looking to build a basic therapist landing page.

Keep in mind that this Squarespace template is fully responsive and loads quickly. You can customize it the way you want. Moreover, you can add new pages to it.

Is Squarespace Good for Therapists

Yes, Squarespace is a good platform for therapists. It offers user-friendly website-building tools and good-looking templates. As a result, it simplifies the process of creating a professional online presence for your therapy business.

Squarespace also provides features that are essential for therapists, such as appointment booking, testimonials, blogging, and service pages. In addition to that, the platform allows you to customize a template to reflect a therapist's unique brand and personality.

With proper optimization, Squarespace websites can also rank well in search engine results. As a result, this will make it easier for potential clients to find your therapy services.

So overall, Squarespace is a reliable platform for therapists looking to establish and maintain their online presence effectively.

Squarespace Website Examples for Therapists

The best way to get inspiration and design ideas when building your website is to look at some Squarespace website examples. There are a lot of therapist websites you can look at to get some inspiration.

Here are some Squarespace therapist website examples:

1. Calm Again Counseling

squarespace therapist website example

Calm Again Counseling offers anxiety, EMDR, and trauma therapy for adults and teenagers in San Francisco. The website is designed with soothing bluish-green tones and lively yellow accents.

It uses an accordion block for FAQs to address potential customers' questions and provide reassurance. In addition to that, it presents a straightforward overview of their onboarding process that eases the process for those seeking help.

2. Empower Family Therapy

squarespace therapy websites

This website example focuses on family therapy and couples. They offer relationship-based interventions to empower families in making and sustaining positive changes. The website uses a mix of gentle colors and human-centric photography that fosters a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

In terms of features, the website uses clear headings, engaging visuals of families, and a user-friendly layout to effectively guide the viewer's journey. In addition to that, they have good call-to-action buttons such as "Find Out More," which are intuitive without being intrusive.

3. EMDR Therapy

therapist website on squarespace

With their locations in Oregon, Portland, and California, this therapy website specializes in supporting people of color facing chronic stress, and anxiety. They also treat people with trauma through mindfulness, EMDR, and liberation-based mental health frameworks.

Their website design exudes calmness with its muted color palette and inviting imagery. The inclusion of a therapist's photo adds a personal touch.

As a result, this shows trust for potential clients. The website text conveys a succinct and inclusive message that highlights the therapist's commitment to diverse clients and their unique needs.

Tips for Building a Squarespace Therapist Website

Building a therapist's website on Squarespace can be a straightforward process. That's because Squarespace is known for its user-friendly interface and customizable templates.

Here are some of the useful tips that can help you build a good therapy website on Squarespace:

1. Create a Clear and Engaging Homepage

Your homepage is the first impression visitors will have of your therapy website, so make it count. Always make sure it looks professional and clean.

Here's what to consider:

  • Concise Introduction: Craft a clear and welcoming headline that introduces your therapy business and its focus. So it's better to use a language that resonates with your target audience.

  • High-Quality Imagery: Feature a professional and emotionally resonant image, which could include a calming therapy room or an image that reflects your practice's values. Make sure you add quality photos to your website.

  • Call to Action(CTA): Place a prominent CTA button or link on the homepage. This could be like "Schedule a Consultation", "Learn More" or "Get Started" CTA. As a result, this makes it easy for visitors to take the next step and buy your services.

  • Navigation: Keep the homepage easy to navigate with a simple menu or scroll-down design to navigate to other sections of your website. Also make sure to add essential links like "About", "Services", and "Contact".

2. Build Informative Service Pages

Your therapy services should be detailed and informative. Because that helps potential clients understand what you offer and how you can help them. Here's what you should do:

  • Service Descriptions: Clearly explain the types of therapy you offer, your approach, and what clients can expect from sessions. Use language that's approachable and jargon-free.

  • Benefits and Outcomes: Highlight the potential benefits and outcomes of therapy. You can use real-world examples or success stories to illustrate the positive impact of your services.

  • Pricing and Insurance: If applicable, provide pricing information and whether you accept insurance. Transparency on these matters can build trust.

  • Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs): Include a section with answers to clients' common questions about the therapy process, confidentiality, and scheduling.

3. Engage Through Blog Content

A blog can be a powerful tool to engage with your audience and establish your expertise in the industry. Here's how to make the most of it:

squarespace blogging tools
  • Regular Updates: Commit to a consistent posting schedule. Share articles and insights related to mental health, self-care, or therapy. This demonstrates your commitment to helping clients beyond sessions.

  • Relevant Topics: Write about topics that are relevant and resonate with your target audience. Address common concerns or provide tips and advice that can be immediately useful.

  • Shareable Content: Create blog posts that are shareable on social media. This can help expand your online reach and connect with a wider audience.

  • Engage with Comments: Encourage comments on your blog posts and engage with those who leave questions or feedback. This builds a sense of community and trust.

4. Establish Trust with Testimonials

Testimonials from satisfied clients can greatly improve your credibility and trustworthiness. Here's how to use them effectively:

  • Diverse Testimonials: Feature a variety of testimonials from different clients, each sharing their unique experiences and positive outcomes.

  • Include Photos and Names: Where possible, include the client's photo and their full name(with permission of course). This adds authenticity to the testimonials.

  • Case Studies: If appropriate, consider creating more in-depth case studies that detail the journey of a client, the challenges they faced, and the progress they made through therapy.

  • Video Testimonials: In addition to written testimonials, video testimonials can be particularly powerful as they allow potential clients to see and hear from satisfied clients directly.

By applying these four key tips, you can create a compelling Squarespace therapy website that engages visitors, informs potential clients, and establishes trust in your services.

Are Squarespace Templates Free?

With Squarespace, you can get both free and paid templates. When you sign up for a Squarespace account, you can start building your website using one of their free templates.

The platform provides a variety of templates and all of them are accessible for free. However, it's important to note that there are also premium Squarespace templates developed by third-party designers and developers who specialize in creating advanced and specialized designs for Squarespace websites.

These premium templates may come with additional features and customization options beyond what is available in the free Squarespace templates.

How Do I Find Squarespace Templates?

To find Squarespace templates, visit the official Squarespace website and explore the Templates section in the main navigation menu. Browse through the diverse collection and preview templates to see their live features and design layout.

best squarespace templates

Utilize filtering and sorting options to refine your search because there are a lot of categories and website types that you can find. So consider checking out demo sites for a practical understanding of each template's functionality.

Once you've found a suitable template, select it to start building your website. For more options, you can explore platforms like the Squarespace Marketplace or independent design studios offering premium templates created by Squarespace designers.

Keep in mind that Squarespace regularly updates its template selection, so stay informed about new additions and improvements to best suit your website needs.

How Does Squarespace Work?

Squarespace is a website-building platform that simplifies the process of creating and managing websites. Users sign up, choose a template, and customize it using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

squarespace website builder

The platform supports various content types. This allows users to easily create pages, blogs, and portfolios. For those interested in e-commerce, Squarespace provides tools for setting up and managing online stores.

The platform also handles mobile responsiveness, SEO, domain management, security, and hosting. With a focus on user-friendly design and powerful features, Squarespace is suitable for individuals and businesses looking to build an online brand without technical knowledge.


As you can see, Squarespace has a lot of therapist templates that you can use as a starting point to build your website. Using a template will not only save you time but also make the website-building process a lot easier for you.

Choosing the right Squarespace template for your therapy business doesn't have to be daunting. With so many options available, there's likely one that will suit your style and website needs.

So when making your choice, take into account your target audience and make sure your brand identity aligns seamlessly with your selected template.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some useful and helpful answers to some FAQs that we always hear in the Squarespace community:

How can therapists choose the right Squarespace template?

To choose the right Squarespace template, therapists should consider their branding, target audience, and their website needs. Look for templates that offer clean, calming designs, easy navigation, and the ability to showcase content like services, testimonials, and blog posts.

Are there Squarespace templates optimized for online appointment scheduling?

Yes, many Squarespace templates are suitable for integrating online appointment scheduling tools like Acuity Scheduling or Calendly. All templates have easy-to-add booking sections and support third-party plugins.

Does Squarespace have free templates?

Yes, Squarespace has a lot of free templates that you can use as a starting point to build a website for your business. The templates are professionally designed and cover a range of purposes, such as portfolios, blogs, business websites, and more.

Do Squarespace templates allow blogging for therapists who want to share insights and tips?

Absolutely! Most Squarespace templates come with built-in blog features. This makes it easy for therapists to create and share informative content with their clients and visitors.

Can therapists switch templates after creating their website on Squarespace?

Yes, therapists can change their templates at any time on Squarespace. However, it's essential to note that customizations made to the previous template may not transfer seamlessly to the new one.

What is the cost of using Squarespace templates for therapists?

Squarespace offers various pricing plans, starting at $16 per month for a basic website. The cost depends on the features you need and whether you choose a premium template or use a free one.

Do Squarespace templates offer ecommerce capabilities for therapists selling products or resources?

Yes, all Squarespace templates allow you to add ecommerce features. Therapists who want to sell books, courses, or merchandise can choose a template that integrates with the Squarespace Commerce platform.

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Mehdi Aoussiad

I’m a Squarespace web designer and developer. I have more than 3 years of experience building websites on the Squarespace platform. In addition to that, I also write useful content about Squarespace to help you learn or solve any problem you have.


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